The object of worship in spirit and truth is God. After all, he was before any created thing. He has no beginning or end. He knows all and is the healer of every disease. His greatness is not yet fully known by mankind. His beauty overwhelms all who look at him. His love, his grace, his mercy, and his patience are unmatched.
Yet, from day one, man has been tempted to focus on self. Yes, we made in God’s image and, yes, we can partner with him in incredible ways. However, we are often distracted by our own image in the mirror and have gazed on it far too long. We forget who we are to reflect.
God made man with an incredible level of ability. That’s why it is truly an act of humility and faith to give over control to God. That’s why Satan did not have to threaten Eve. Instead, he enticed her to think about herself and to take her attention off her Creator. He convinced her and Adam, “who was with her”, to make decisions that did not include God, leaning on their own sense of wisdom.
Bearing this in mind, the songs that we choose for congregational worship are very important. They can truly exalt the majestic King of Kings or they can be self-absorbed. Singing a song in church does not make it a worship song. That is a misnomer. We could sing “Happy Birthday” and it would not be a worship song, even though sung in church.
A song may be poetic, it may be profound, but it is only a worship song if our gaze is placed squarely on God and not ourselves. An easy way to recognize a worship song, in a grammatical sense, is to see God as the subject. He is the one clearly being or doing something. Conversely, a song, no matter how attractive, that includes an inordinate amount of “I” and “we” may not be a worship song. The gaze must be on God. We appreciate your Comments