I’m sure you know the verse, “you are my friends if you do whatever I command you” (John 15:14). In this passage, there is certainly a condition to Jesus calling us “Friends”, but we are short-sighted if we focus on “our” side of the agreement and don’t revel in the ways Jesus expresses His friendship to us.
Let’s look at how Jesus is our friend as we partner with him!
In Luke 7:34, Jesus quoted the Pharisees. They said that Jesus was a “friend of sinners!”. Wow! Isn’t that great! I can tell you that I’m glad that Jesus saw me, loved me and wanted to be my friend! Usually, when you look for a friend, you look for the best in someone, but Jesus loved us in spite of what and who we were.
I have many friends around the world. I treasure them all. Jesus treasures us as his friends! The Bible tells us that he prays for us, he’s preparing a place for us and, not only that, he walks with us! I miss my friends but my greatest friend is with me always!
Friendship is one thing that we guard because it means that someone really does care about us! Jesus guards our friendship and so should we!
Keep your eyes on your friend, Jesus Christ! Meditate on him and talk to him as you would any other friend. Remember, he is your best friend! No one can compare to him! We appreciate your Comments